IEC&A "The Electrical and Electronic Experts"
Investigative Engineering Consultants and Associates

IEC & Associates provides Electrical and Electronic Forensic and Investigative Engineering, Patent Infringement Analysis, Claim Chart Mapping, Reverse Engineering, Product Teardowns, Design Engineering, Failure Analysis, and Expert Witness Services for Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Industry and Government. We specialize in electrical and electronic systems, products and devices. Issues addressed include all aspects of the product or system under review or investigation, including design, fabrication, production, operation, failure analysis, reverse engineering, environmental conditions, agency compliance, safety, and product testing of electrical and electronic systems, products and devices as well as computer systems, hardware and software.

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We specialize in Forensic & Investigative Engineering, Patent Infringement Analysis and Expert Witness Services in the areas of Electrical & Electronic Systems, Products and Devices.

Eric Halber - IP Litigation Enforcement Attorney, NC

Email Eric at

Eric Halber


Mr. Halber has over 20 years of litigation and intellectual property experience with top law firms and Fortune 500 companies.  Lead trial counsel for over 50 commercial and intellectual property lawsuits. Has effectively prosecuted hundreds of commercial electronics-related patents.  Degrees from Tulane Law School, the New England School of Law and Lafayette College.  IP enforcement management represents the single most important aspect for effectively monetizing IP assets.  A failure to properly manage an IP enforcement effort can result in either an outright loss or leaving millions of dollars on the table at the end of the day.